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Home: Worship

Sunday Worship at 9:30am

12050 New Holland Street; Holland, MI 49424




(616) 399-1578



Visitors are always welcome! Nursery care is available for children 3 years old and under during our morning worship services. You can also check out our other programs in the 'Get Involved' tab in the top menu bar.


*All of our volunteers have passed a background check.


Home: Events

Get Involved

Children & Worship

Sundays; 10:00-11:15am

(Begins September 15)

Children from age 3 through 3rd grade are dismissed early from our worship service for an age appropriate worship experience. A Bible story and response time create a structured yet imaginative setting to begin forming worship identity.

Sunday School

Sundays; 10:30-11:15am

(Begins September 15)

Children and youth grades 4th through 8th take part in topical and Bible-based studies to grow in their biblical knowledge, develop their theological understanding, and strengthen their faith.

High School Sunday School

Sundays; 10:30-11:15am

(Begins September 15)

High schoolers meet every other week to explore the different literature that's found in the Bible. This helps us know how to better interpret scripture and increases our knowledge of the entire biblical narrative.

High School

Youth Group

Sundays; 6:00-7:30pm

(Begins September 15)

In RCYF (Reformed Church Youth Fellowship), students 9th through 12th grade deepen their faith and friendships through Bible study, topical discussions, and fun outings. They put their faith into action through service and mission projects.

Kids' Quest

Wednesdays; 6:00-7:30pm

(Begins October 2)

Children from age 3 through 5th grade learn key biblical truths in a fun, creative way; beginning with a large group lesson with music and skits, the children then break into smaller classes to discuss and apply the lessons to their lives.

Middle School Youth Group

Wednesdays; 6:00-7:30pm

(Begins September 18)

In RIOT (Reaching in and Out Together), students in 6th through 8th grade explore their beliefs, strengthen their faith, and build self-esteem and positive relationships through lessons, games, and having fun together.

Home: Ministries
Home: Staff

Steven DeVries

Lead Pastor

Learn More About Us

North Holland Reformed Church is a growing and multi-generational congregation on Holland’s north side. With a history dating back almost to the original settlement of Holland, the stories of our past are an important part of who we are today! We work hard to honor our past while reaching towards the future, blending past and present, young and old, traditional and contemporary, as we worship and serve together. North Holland has a long history of supporting missions around the world, as well as a strong commitment to ministry in our local community.


If you would like to learn more about our mission, vision, or one of our ministries, click on the link below to complete our Connection Card. 





Our Beliefs

As a part of the Reformed Church in America, we believe the Bible is our final authority in faith, and our guide for life. God’s Word shows us that we are imperfect and sinful people, living in a broken world. On our own, we are incapable of living in right relationship with the holy God who created us. But because of his great love for us, God sent his Son, Jesus, to rescue us. Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life and then sacrificed it for our sake, conquering sin and death by rising from the dead. Now he is seated at God’s right hand, serving as an intercessor for us in heaven. God’s Word teaches us that by turning from our sin and trusting in Christ, we can be reconciled in our relationship with God and share in the hope of eternal life. This good news of God’s great love compels us to go out and share God’s love with others. In gratitude for all God has done for us, we worship God and live out our faith by serving others in our community and our world.

Home: About


12050 New Holland Street

Holland, MI 49424, USA


Sunday Worship at 9:30am


(616) 399-1578



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